Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gratitude Challenge Day 5: Beautiful Music

For day 5 of The Gratitude Challenge I am going to mix things up a bit and list 10 Hymns or Psalms I am grateful for.

Wednesday night I had the great opportunity of going to an institute class. (Institute is basically a bible study class that is provided for college aged adults by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). We talked about Psalms and Hymns. We talked a lot about how Psalms illustrate strong emotions of praise, lament, supplication, etc. I had never really put much thought into them before, but I was really touched by the beautiful words and the Spirit that I felt as we read/sang/discussed them. Now I would like to present 10 Psalms/Hymns that I am grateful for today.

To start off with, I have a couple of favorites that aren't in the Hymn book or in the book of Psalms, but they are beautiful poetry that remind me of my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ and what they did for me.
Next are some more traditional Psalms including the 23rd Psalm which is probably the most famous of all of them. I never gave it much thought before it was always just a very familiar passage that you hear at funerals. When I heard it Wednesday night though it really struck me. The line in verse 3, He restoreth my soul, really meant a lot to me because I have felt that restoring power for myself. I am so grateful for the power that that Psalm has particularly in reminding me of the love my Savior has for me.
Lastly I picked three Hymns. I love Hymn 72(Praise to the Lord, the Almighty) and 89(The Lord Is My Light) because of the beautiful praise that they give to our Savior. I love Hymn 131(More Holiness Give Me) because it is such a powerful prayer. I love how it expresses so many righteous desires to become like the Savior.
I am so grateful for beautiful music and poetry, I am grateful for the power it has to unite a group or to bring peace to an individual. I know that there is great power in them. The Lord said,
"For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads."

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