Sunday, December 25, 2011

Gratitude Challenge: Day 10

Missionaries are poor: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. This year, however, I wanted to come up with a nice gift for the birthday of Someone who has given me so much. I have thought about it and thought about it and thought about it. I decided that a good gift that I could give Him is a grateful heart, so as December has flown by I have tried to come up with 100 things that I am grateful for. Some days have been harder than others, to have a grateful heart, but over 22 days I have come up with 90 things so far. In contemplating the last 10 things I would like to add to round out my gratitude list, I've decided to list 10 things that I am grateful for about Him.

He is humble and He is obedient. 
He is a friend.
He stands up for what is right.
He is kind.
He is loving and He is diligent.       

He is compassionate.
He is patient.
He is forgiving.
I am so grateful for my Savior and for this time of year that we get to celebrate His birth.

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