Friday, December 2, 2011

Gratitude Challenge: Day 1

Here is Day one of the Gratitude Challenge, enjoy!

Write 1 material possession you are grateful for.
I am grateful for my wrist brace. I have arthritis in my wrist that has been acting up ever since we canned butter on Monday. I am very grateful to have my wrist brace to help prevent my wrist from hurting too much.

Write 1 living person you are grateful for.
I am grateful for my companion. She is so funny and is able to show me that the mountain I am facing is really just a mole hill.

Write 1 physical ability you are grateful for.
I am grateful for the ability to type. I developed this skill after lots and lots of tedious practice that I never wanted to do, but now I am grateful that I have it.

Write 1 deceased person you are grateful for.

I am grateful for Paul the apostle. I have been reading the book of Acts in the New Testament in my desperate attempt to finish the New Testament by the end of the year and Paul just amazes me. He had such unwavering faith, even when he knew that he was going to be martyred soon, he still boldly proclaimed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.

Write 1 thing about nature you are grateful for.
I am grateful for rain. Yes even here in Tennessee where it rains all the time, I am grateful for it. There is something so delightful about rain. 
Write 1 thing about today you are grateful for.
Today I am grateful for friendly people. We were tracting today and after several rejections by annoyed busy people we met a really friendly lady who, despite being busy, took the time to listen to what we had to say and smiled the whole time. It made all of the shut doors and "not interested"(s) worth it. 
Write 1 place on earth you are grateful for.
I am grateful for the South, where everywhere I look whether it is a day care (Trinity Child Care) to a HVAC company (Alpha & Omega HVAC) reminds me of the Savior.

Write 1 modern invention you are grateful for.
I am grateful for clocks, sundials are really hard to read.

Write 1 food you are grateful for.
I am grateful for waffles, they are delicious and easy to make.

Write 1 thing about the gospel you are grateful for.
I am grateful for the knowledge that my family can be together forever. I'm grateful that I know that, I don't just hope for it, I don't think it will happen, I know it will happen, so I guess I'm also grateful for personal revelation, that makes it possible for me to know what I know.