Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy New Month!

I know it's not the New Year yet, but it is a new month!

So I've been thinking a lot about how there are things every day that I want to change. Unfortunately, I repeat a lot of the same mistakes, even though I consciously think about most of them every day and wish I could do better. When I do this the devil on my shoulder says, you've been doing it this way for such a long time, you can't go back. Or, more frequently he will say, yeah, you should change, how about tomorrow, or next week, or next month? There is nothing you can do to change right now, just wait for the new month/day/week. When those thoughts come to me I recognize that it's procrastination, and there is no reason to wait, but even though I recognize it, more often than not, I just go on in my same old rut.

I think a big reason why I don't change when I say I want to is that I look back. I look back at when I didn't succeed at changing and I subconsciously decide that I can't succeed now. Suddenly I turn into a pillar of salt and am capable of doing little to nothing. I have resolved, not because it's a new month (but if I'm really being honest I have been anticipating September 1st as a perfect day to change), to make today "the first day of the rest of my life." How am I going to do that, you ask, I'm going to not look back. I've got my eye on the future and there is no turning around. Talking about faith and how it relates to Lot's wife Elder Jeffery R. Holland said,
"“Remember Lot’s wife.” Faith is for the future. Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us and that Christ truly is the “high priest of good things to come” (Hebrews 9:11)." -The Best Is Yet to Be
I know that Heavenly Father wants the best for me and He knows better than I do how I can get there. I know that if I trust Him and have the faith to do what He asks, I  will have a better future than anything I would construct for myself. So I'm changing now and never looking back. I invite all of you to look forward to the brighter future that the Lord offers by changing something in your life today, and then never look back.

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