Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Challenge to Become Part 2: Present(s)!

I get migraines and one of the things I have learned to combat them is something called "LIVING IN THE PRESENT." Basically when I get a migraine, rather than worrying about what caused my migraine (the past) or worrying about when my migraine will go away (the future) I focus on my migraine. I think about it and think about it and work on making it smaller and smaller until it goes away.

I think this is true in life in general and not just for headaches. As we face challenges in our life it may be easier to think about the "good old days" or to hope for the future when our challenge will be gone. But I know that the best way to overcome a challenge is to face it, to focus on it and to focus on "making it smaller."

The Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson said this,
“Sometimes we let our thoughts of tomorrow take up too much of today. Daydreaming of the past and longing for the future may provide comfort but will not take the place of living in the present. This is the day of our opportunity, and we must grasp it.”*

I have found that a huge part of becoming is doing things now. As we focus on doing what we can do now to achieve our goals we will be able to accomplish them, and ultimately, we will become what Our Father in Heaven wants us to become.

Invitation time! Go back to the list of goals that you made and pick one thing you can do right now to work toward achieving that goal, then share your experiences of living in the present in the comments.

*In Search of Treasure, Ensign May 2003

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