Friday, January 6, 2012

Girl Scouts, Cookies, & Mottos

In High School I was on an academic team. The big contest that we did every year was called Quiz Bowl. My senior year we were competing at the state level and one of my team-mates got a little buzzer happy so when a question came up that started by mentioning the Boy Scout Motto, he hit the buzzer excited to get an answer right. The problem was that he didn't wait for them to finish the question which went something like this...
The Boy-Scout's of America's Motto is Be Prepared, what is the motto of The Girl-Scouts of America?
My team-mate sputtered and said the first thing that came to his mind.
Sell good cookies!
Needless to say, that wasn't the correct answer and we lost a point. The actual motto of the Girl-Scouts is Always do your best. That has always stuck with me, mostly because the memory is really funny to me, but I like that motto for young girls.

In this new year I have decided to have a similar motto. It was inspired by the question that our mission president asked us to ponder on New Year's day.
If you were to have a personal interview with The Savior today, what would you need to change?
 I decided that my motto would be D.O.P.
Patience (with myself as much as with others.)
Basically I'm just going to try to do my best every day, and then not beat myself up and be depressed when I mess up. When imagining that personal interview I realized that the thing I forget too often is that the Savior's grace covers my wrongs. When I mess up (as we all do) rather than going into a haze of depression all I need to do is repent and try my best to do better. This year I want to be better at rejoicing in what my Savior has done for me rather than wallowing in what I haven't done for myself.

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